Include contact info & social media links here instead of footer
Background image of fair
Contact Us page
remove link to calendar of events
Add email for new Open Class Still manager
Throughout site
remove the blue banners
edit header to put logo & nav on same line
this page is very short - need more info
Calendar of events - what is going on here throughout the year?
Company Picnics - nothing on this page
Camping page -
add pictures of campers?
Make the buttons something more exciting?
Footer - this needs some love.
No logo here
Home page -
currently has some places for upcoming events - tie this is with the calendar?
use this for blog entries?
can we include Facebook feed?
Logo - better resolution & transparent background
Include contact info & social media links here instead of footer
Background image of fair
Contact Us page
remove link to calendar of events
Add email for new Open Class Still manager
Throughout site
remove the blue banners
edit header to put logo & nav on same line
this page is very short - need more info
Calendar of events - what is going on here throughout the year?
Company Picnics - nothing on this page
Camping page -
add pictures of campers?
Make the buttons something more exciting?
No logo here
Footer - this needs some love.
Home page -
currently has some places for upcoming events - tie this is with the calendar?
use this for blog entries?
can we include Facebook feed?
This is a "Block Quote"
Lorem ipsum dolor sit amet, consectetur adipiscing elit. Vivamus ultrices ipsum scelerisque, luctus diam bibendum, faucibus lacus. Morbi ipsum quam, luctus condimentum egestas in, bibendum vitae urna. Vestibulum facilisis nibh eu est ullamcorper viverra. Proin quis felis eu felis venenatis finibus id et lorem. Nam vel tempus magna. Nam est tortor, placerat eget pharetra vitae, euismod blandit orci. Aliquam pharetra feugiat dictum. Pellentesque a arcu tortor. Nullam eu blandit purus. Curabitur a arcu placerat, consequat lacus faucibus, faucibus mauris. Aliquam erat volutpat. In tincidunt sagittis euismod. Fusce elementum scelerisque enim in consequat. Ut vel volutpat dolor. Integer accumsan iaculis ex rutrum imperdiet. Donec fermentum ante quis orci sagittis, ut finibus neque auctor. Morbi convallis mi molestie, sodales justo id, condimentum orci. Duis consequat nec est quis malesuada. Suspendisse lacus lectus, porta ut porttitor vitae, posuere vitae odio. Donec tempor aliquet aliquam. Morbi libero lectus, imperdiet vel sodales et, vestibulum et risus. Nulla est nisi, porttitor vel congue at, feugiat id tellus. Nam consectetur purus quam, ut tempor purus pretium ac. Mauris hendrerit scelerisque enim at ornare. Vestibulum lacinia sed mi at sagittis. Donec turpis est, varius non vehicula id, elementum at urna. Nulla lectus arcu, lacinia sit amet metus quis, vulputate bibendum erat. Nulla vel elit aliquam, luctus lacus a, sodales dolor. Phasellus sollicitudin, turpis sit amet porta posuere, augue enim laoreet mauris, quis interdum nulla purus sed turpis.